_ _ _ /_\ __| (_)_ __ ___ / _ \/ _` | | ' \/ -_) /_/ \_\__,_|_|_|_|_\___| Allegro Dialogs Made Easy Installation Notes for Linux by Sven Sandberg ============================================== ======== Basic Installation Procedure ======== ============================================== Run the following commands in the shell: ./fix.sh unix make all make installall (The first command tells the installation program that you use Linux. The second compiles the library, examples and documentation. The third copies essential files to common directories.) ====================================== ======== Installation Options ======== ====================================== The basic installation procedure compiles both the optimized library (for releasing your program) and the debugging library (for developing your program). Compiling statically linked libraries: Add "STATICLINK=1" to the command line, both for "make all" and "make installall". Compiling only the optimized library: Run "make" and "make install" instead of "make all" and "make installall", respectively. Compiling only the debugging library: Add "DEBUGMODE=1" to the command line. Do it both for "make" and for "make install". Installing to a different location: If you want "make installall" to put the libraries in /lib rather than /usr/local/lib, then add SYSTEM_DIR= to the command line. Installing info and man documentation: Run "make install-info" and/or "make install-man". You may conserve some space by running "make install-gzipped-info" and/or "make install-gzipped-man" instead. ======================= ======== Usage ======== ======================= Including Adime's header files: #include Linking: Add "-ladime" to gcc's command line when linking your program. Note that "-ladime" must come before "-lalleg". Use "-ladimed" instead of "-ladime" if you want to link with the debugging library. Viewing the documentation: Run "info adime" to view it with info. (This only works after you have run "install-info" or "install-gzipped-info".) Run "man adime" to view the man pages. (This only works after you have run "install-man" or "install-gzipped-man".) If you prefer html, open adime/docs/html/adime.html in your favourite browser. If you prefer plain text, open adime/docs/txt/adime.txt in your favourite text viewer.